PKG <- c(# devtools::install_github("emilymarkowitz-NOAA/FishEconProdOutput", force = TRUE)
         #Seperating species by taxonomic group
         "taxize",  # install.packages("remotes"); remotes::install_github("ropensci/taxize")
         # Data Managment
         # #RMarkdown
         #Excel File Management

for (p in PKG) {
  if(!require(p,character.only = TRUE)) {  
    install.packages(p, repos = "")
    require(p,character.only = TRUE)}

Northeast Commerical Fisheries Productivity Output Tables

1. Set knowns

# Define what regions we are interested in
reg_order = c("Northeast")
reg_order_abbrv = c("NorE")

# Define Category
category0 = "category"

# Define Years
maxyr <- 2018
minyr <- 2007 #of data going into the analysis
baseyr <- minyr

2. Set your Directories where you will save everything

# Folder name for output
titleadd = paste0(minyr, "To", maxyr, "_NorE")

if (TF) {
  #Local Directories
  dir_outputtables<-paste0(dir_in, "/output/")

  # Define Directories
  dir_analyses = paste0(dir_outputtables, folder)
} else {

3. Load example data

Commercial Data

landings_data<-landings_data[landings_data$Region %in% c("New England", "Mid-Atlantic"),]

# so you can see what this data looks like
knitr::kable(head(landings_data), booktabs = T) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
Year Pounds Dollars category Tsn State Region abbvreg
14 2005 15 30 Shellfish 83677 Maryland Northeast MA
15 2004 3 2 Shellfish 83677 New Jersey Northeast MA
16 2006 37 28 Shellfish 83677 New Jersey Northeast MA
17 2004 611 393 Shellfish 83677 New York Northeast MA
18 2005 1268 1154 Shellfish 83677 New York Northeast MA
19 2005 14183 6323 Shellfish 83677 Maine Northeast NE

Northeast Fisheries Codes

code plan name
23 BF Bluefish
352 DF Spiny Dogfish
81 GFISH Atlantic Cod
120 GFISH Winter Flounder
122 GFISH Witch Flounder
123 GFISH Yellowtail Flounder
124 GFISH American Plaice Flounder
125 GFISH Sand Dab Flounder
147 GFISH Atlantic Haddock
153 GFISH White Hake
159 GFISH Atlantic Halibut
240 GFISH Redfish
250 GFISH Ocean Pout
269 GFISH Pollock
512 GFISH Wolffish
168 HER Atlantic Herring
12 MONK Monkfish
710 RCRAB Red Crab
800 SCAL Sea Scallop
754 SCOQ Ocean Quahog
769 SCOQ Surf clam
121 SF Summer Flounder
329 SF Scup
335 SF Black Sea Bass
364 SKATE Rosette Skate
365 SKATE Skates
366 SKATE Little Skate
367 SKATE Winter Skate
368 SKATE Barndoor Skate
369 SKATE Smooth Skate
370 SKATE Thorny Skate
372 SKATE Clearnose Skate
51 SMB Butterfish
212 SMB Atlantic Mackerel
801 SMB Loligo Squid
802 SMB Illex Squid
152 SMESH Red Hake
508 SMESH Offshore Hake
509 SMESH Silver Hake
444 TF Blueline Tilefish
446 TF Golden Tilefish

4. Use itis_reclassify() to categorize all of the species

Find TSN values for species of interest with

# Find TSN values for species of interest

spcat.list<-list('Bluefish' = 168559, # Species Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766) – bluefish, anjova
                 'Spiny dogfish' = 160617, #Species Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758 – cazón espinoso común, piked dogfish, spiny dogfish, galludo espinoso, aiguillat commun, dogfish, grayfish, spurdog
                 'Atlantic Cod' = 164712, # Species Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758 – morue de l'Atlantique, bacalao del Atlántico, cod, rock cod, morue franche, Atlantic cod 
                 'Summer flounder' = 172735, #Species   Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus, 1766) – summer flounder, fluke, cardeau d'été, Summer Flounder
                 'Winter Flounder' = 172905, # Species  Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum, 1792) – plie rouge, blackback, Georges Bank flounder, lemon sole, rough flounder, winter flounder, Winter Flounder
                 'Witch Flounder' = 172873, #Species    Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Linnaeus, 1758) – witch flounder, gray sole, plie grise, Witch Flounder
                 'Yellowtail Flounder' = 172909, #Species   Limanda ferruginea (Storer, 1839) – limande à queue jaune, rusty flounder, yellowtail flounder, Yellowtail Flounder
                 'American Plaice Flounder' = 172877, # Species Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius, 1780) – American plaice, plie canadienne, American dab, Canadian plaice, dab, American Plaice
                 'Sand Dab Flounder' = 172746, #Species Scophthalmus aquosus (Mitchill, 1815) – windowpane, brill, sand dab, spotted flounder, turbot de sable, Windowpane
                 'Atlantic haddock' = 164744, # Species Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Linnaeus, 1758) – haddock, aiglefin
                 'White hake' = 164732, # Species   Urophycis tenuis (Mitchill, 1814) – white hake, mud hake, merluche blanche
                 'Red hake' = c(164730 #  Species   Urophycis chuss (Walbaum, 1792) – red hake, squirrel hake, merluche-écureuil
                 ),#164729), # Genus    Urophycis Gill, 1863 – codlings # Toledo, includes other hake
                 'Silver hake' = c(164791 #Species  Merluccius bilinearis (Mitchill, 1814) – silver hake, merlu argenté
                 ), # 164790), # Genus  Merluccius Rafinesque, 1810 – hakes # Toledo, includes other hake
                 'Skates' = 160845, # Family    Rajidae Blainville, 1816 – rayas, rays, skates, raies
                 "Rosette skate" = 564136,# Species Leucoraja garmani (Whitley, 1939) – rosette skate
                 'Little Skate' = 564130,#Species   Leucoraja erinacea (Mitchill, 1825) – raie-hérisson, common skate, little skate, summer skate
                 'Winter Skate' = 564145,#Species   Leucoraja ocellata (Mitchill, 1815) – raie tachetée, big skate, eyed skate, winter skate
                 'Barndoor Skate' = 564139,#Species Dipturus laevis (Mitchill, 1818) – grande raie, barndoor skate
                 'Smooth Skate' = 564151,# Species  Malacoraja senta (Garman, 1885) – raie à queue de velours, smooth skate
                 'Thorny Skate' = 564149,#Species   Amblyraja radiata (Donovan, 1808) – raie épineuse, starry skate, thorny skate
                 'Clearnose Skate' = 160855,#Species    Raja eglanteria Bosc in Lacepède, 1800 – raya naricita, clearnose skate
                 'Loligo squid' = 82370, # Genus    Loligo Lamarck, 1798
                 'Illex Squid' = 82520, # Genus Illex Steenstrup, 1880
                 'Ocean pout' = 630979, # Species   Zoarces americanus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) – ocean pout, loquette d'Amérique
                 'Atlantic mackerel' = 172414, #Species Scomber scombrus Linnaeus, 1758 – caballa del Atlántico, maquereau commun, maquereau bleu, Atlantic mackerel
                 'Atlantic pollock' = 164727, #Species  Pollachius virens (Linnaeus, 1758) – pollock, coalfish, carbonero, lieu noir, saithe, goberge 
                 'Atlantic Wolffish' = 171336, # Genus  Anarhichas Linnaeus, 1758 – Atlantic wolffishes
                 'Black sea bass' = 167687, # Species   Centropristis striata (Linnaeus, 1758) – black sea bass
                 'Scups' = 169181, # Genus  Stenotomus Gill, 1865
                 'Butterfish' = 172567, # Species   Peprilus triacanthus (Peck, 1804) – palometa estrecha, butterfish, stromatée à fossettes
                 'Blueline Tilefish' = 168543, #  Species   Caulolatilus microps Goode and Bean, 1878 – blueline tilefish, blanquillo lucio
                 'Golden Tilefish' = 168546, # Species  Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Goode and Bean, 1879 – blue tilefish, tilefish, conejo amarillo
                 'Monkfish' = 164499 , #Species Lophius americanus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837 – goosefish, monkfish, baudroie d'Amérique
                 'Acadian Redfish' = 166774, # Species  Sebastes fasciatus Storer, 1854 – Acadian redfish, Labrador redfish, Acadian rockfish, sébaste acadien
                 'Atlantic Herring' = 161722, # Species Clupea harengus Linnaeus, 1758 – Baltic herring, herring, hareng atlantique, Atlantic herring
                 'Atlantic surf clam' = 80944, #Species Spisula solidissima (Dillwyn, 1817) – Atlantic surfclam
                 'Offshore Hake' = 164793, # Species    Merluccius albidus (Mitchill, 1818) – offshore hake, offshore whiting
                 'Ocean quahog clam' = 81343, # Species Arctica islandica (Linnaeus, 1767) – ocean quahog
                 'Red Crab' = 620992, # Species Chaceon quinquedens (S. I. Smith, 1879) – red deepsea crab
                 'Sea scallop' = 79718, #Species    Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791) – sea scallop
                 'Atlantic halibut' = 172933 # Species  Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnaeus, 1758) – Atlantic halibut, flétan atlantique, Atlantic Halibut

Match/merge the codes in your above list to the species listed in the fisheries list

# a bit hacky, but I am linking all of the TSN numbers to their respective species here in the northeast fisheries list

for (i in 1:nrow(ne_spp)) {
           ifelse(sum(grepl(pattern = ne_spp$name[i], x = names(spcat.list) , = T)) == 0, 
                  NA, grep(pattern = ne_spp$name[i], x = names(spcat.list), = T) ))


# Now convert the Northeast Fisheires list into a list for the itis_reclassify function

for (i in 1:length(unique(ne_spp$plan))) {
  categories[i]<-list(ne_spp$TSN[ne_spp$plan %in% unique(ne_spp$plan)[i]])

itis_reclassify() can take a minute!

# Use the itis_reclassify function to sort each species listed in the FOSS data into each classification group

temp<-itis_reclassify(tsn = unique(landings_data$Tsn), 
                         categories = categories, 


# Remove anything that wasn't classified (we don't them for what we are doing here)
if (sum(tsn_id$category %in% c("Other", "Uncategorized"))>0) {
  tsn_id<-tsn_id[!(tsn_id$category %in% c("Other", "Uncategorized")), 
                 c("TSN", "category")]

# renaming columns for joining other datasets to this dataset
                 TSN = Tsn)


# Join the FOSS landings data to their respctive categories

landings_data<-dplyr::left_join(x = landings_data, 
                    y = tsn_id, 
                    by = "TSN")

# Rename columns so they match what the funciton uses

                 Tsn = TSN, 
                 category = category.y)

# Minor data editing. 

landings_data<-landings_data[landings_data$Year>=minyr & landings_data$Year<=maxyr, # Only include years that you intend to assess. 
       c("Year","Pounds","Dollars","category","Tsn", "State", "Region", "abbvreg")] # These are all of the columns you need

# Sometimes negative numbers can be in these columns. They're flags and not real values, so we'll want to remove those here

landings_data<-landings_data[(landings_data$Pounds>=0), ]
landings_data<-landings_data[(landings_data$Dollars>=0), ]

# Print out the resultant table so we can see our hard work!
knitr::kable(head(landings_data), booktabs = T) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
Year Pounds Dollars category Tsn State Region abbvreg
932 2018 18898 17008.0 NA 11272 Rhode Island Northeast NE
941 2014 10741108 1289946.7 NA 11329 Maine Northeast NE
942 2015 6804703 816495.7 NA 11329 Maine Northeast NE
943 2016 5549633 610546.0 NA 11329 Maine Northeast NE
944 2017 6166155 701283.5 NA 11329 Maine Northeast NE
945 2018 9228619 600326.6 NA 11329 Maine Northeast NE

5. Run Analysis

out <- OutputAnalysis(landings_data = landings_data, 
               category0 = "category", # the name of the column you are categorizing by
               baseyr = baseyr, 
               titleadd = titleadd, 
               dir_analyses = dir_analyses, 
               skipplots = TRUE, 
               reg_order = "Northeast", # The region(s) you want to assess
               reg_order_abbrv = "NorE", # The region(s) you want to assess
               save_outputs_to_file = TF) # Here I use the variable TF so I can change it once at the begining of my code, depending on my reporting purposes
#> [1] "Northeast"
#> [1] "Create spreadsheets"
#> [1] "Create plots"
#> [1] "warnings_list"    "editeddata_list"  "index_list"       "spp_list"        
#> [5] "figures_list"     "gridfigures_list"

# make an object of everything that comes out of this function 
for (jjj in 1:length(out)) {
  assign(names(out)[jjj], out[[jjj]])

6. Create Tables

result <- lapply(index_list, "[", , c("Year", "cat", "PI_CB", "Q_CB", "v"))
a<-a[a$Year %in% minyr:maxyr, ]

                 PI = PI_CB, 
                 Q = Q_CB, 
                 V = v)

# Create table of raw values
a.pi<-spread(a[!(names(a) %in% c("V", "Q"))], cat, PI)
names(a.pi)[-1]<-paste0(names(a.pi)[-1], "_PI")
a.q<-spread(a[!(names(a) %in% c("PI", "V"))], cat, Q)
names(a.q)[-1]<-paste0(names(a.q)[-1], "_Q")
a.v<-spread(a[!(names(a) %in% c("PI", "Q"))], cat, V)
names(a.v)[-1]<-paste0(names(a.v)[-1], "_V")

b<-left_join(a.pi, a.q, by = c("Year"))
b<-left_join(b, a.v, by = c("Year"))

b<-b[,match(x = c("Year", 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_V", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_PI", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_Q", x = names(b), = T)]), 

b<-b[,match(x = c("Year", 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "fin", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "Shell", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "Total", x = names(b))]), 

b<-b[b$Year %in% minyr:maxyr, ]

# Create a nice-looking formatted table of values with PrettyNum
b$PI<-round(x = b$PI, digits = 2)
b$Q<-prettyNum(x = round(x = b$Q/1e6), digits = 2, big.mark = ",")
b$V<-prettyNum(x = round(x = b$V/1e6), digits = 2, big.mark = ",")

b.pi<-spread(b[!(names(b) %in% c("V", "Q"))], cat, PI)
names(b.pi)[-1]<-paste0(names(b.pi)[-1], "_PI")
b.q<-spread(b[!(names(b) %in% c("PI", "V"))], cat, Q)
names(b.q)[-1]<-paste0(names(b.q)[-1], "_Q")
b.v<-spread(b[!(names(b) %in% c("PI", "Q"))], cat, V)
names(b.v)[-1]<-paste0(names(b.v)[-1], "_V")

b<-left_join(b.pi, b.q, by = c("Year"))
b<-left_join(b, b.v, by = c("Year"))

b<-b[,match(x = c("Year", 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_V", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_PI", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_Q", x = names(b), = T)]), 

b<-b[,match(x = c("Year", 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "fin", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "Shell", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "Total", x = names(b))]), 

b<-b[b$Year %in% minyr:maxyr, ]

# Save Outputs. 
# Here I use the variable TF so I can change it once at the begining of my code, depending on my reporting purposes

if (TF) {
  write_csv(x = ProdOutputUS_Raw, file = paste0(dir_analyses, "/ProdOutputNorE_Raw.csv"))

if (TF) {
  write_csv(x = ProdOutputUS_Print, file = paste0(dir_analyses, "/ProdOutputNorE_Print.csv"))

# Print out the resultant table so we can see our hard work!

knitr::kable(ProdOutputUS_Print, booktabs = T) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
Year Total_V Total_PI Total_Q
2007 847 1.00 847
2008 838 1.03 817
2009 810 0.95 851
2010 909 1.11 819
2011 1,097 1.28 854
2012 1,076 1.32 815
2013 911 1.40 651
2014 874 1.49 588
2015 872 1.49 583
2016 934 1.57 593
2017 936 1.39 673
2018 942 1.35 700

7. Figures

Here are a few figures that come out of this analysis!

