Create Tables from the Fisheries Economics of the US (FEUS) Report

Purpose: Construct the FEUS Commerical Fisheries state and national tables and output them to csv files

PKG <- c(# devtools::install_github("emilymarkowitz-NOAA/FishEconProdOutput", force = TRUE)
         #Seperating species by taxonomic group
         "taxize",  # install.packages("remotes"); remotes::install_github("ropensci/taxize")
         # Data Managment
         # #RMarkdown
         #Excel File Management

for (p in PKG) {
  if(!require(p,character.only = TRUE)) {  
    install.packages(p, repos = "")
    require(p,character.only = TRUE)}

1. Set knowns

# Define what regions we are interested in
reg_order = c("National", "North Pacific", "Pacific", "Western Pacific (Hawai`i)", 
              "New England", 
              "Mid-Atlantic", "South Atlantic", "Gulf of Mexico")

reg_order_abbrv = c("US", "NP", "Pac", "WP", "NE", "MA", "SA", "GOM")

# Define Category
category0 = "category"

# Define Years
yr <- minyr <-<-as.numeric(paste0(floor((maxyr-24)/10), 
                              ifelse(substr(maxyr, start = nchar((maxyr-24)), 
                                            stop = nchar((maxyr-24)))>=5, 6, 1))) #of data going into the analysis
minyr.ProdOut<-maxyr-19 # That will be shown in the analysis
                          ifelse(substr(maxyr, start = nchar(maxyr), 
                                        stop = nchar(maxyr))>=5, 5, 0))) #Will change every 5 years, e.g., maxyr 2019 = byr 2015; maxyr 2020 = byr 2020; maxyr 2021 = byr 2020

2. Set your directories where you will save everything

# Folder name for output
titleadd = paste0(minyr.ProdOut, "To", maxyr, "_FSFEUS")

if (TF) {
  #Local Directories
  dir_outputtables<-paste0(dir_in, "/output/")

  # Define Directories
  dir_analyses = paste0(dir_outputtables, folder)
} else {

3. Load example data

landings_data$category<-NULL # for this example, let's pretend that this column doesn't already exist
knitr::kable(head(landings_data), booktabs = T) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
Year Pounds Dollars Tsn State Region abbvreg
5 2001 613 750 83677 Oregon Pacific Pac
6 2003 172 119 83677 Oregon Pacific Pac
7 2006 131 131 83677 North Carolina South Atlantic SA
14 2005 15 30 83677 Maryland Mid-Atlantic MA
15 2004 3 2 83677 New Jersey Mid-Atlantic MA
16 2006 37 28 83677 New Jersey Mid-Atlantic MA

4. Use itis_reclassify() to categorize all of the species

This can take a minute!

temp <- itis_reclassify(tsn = unique(landings_data$Tsn), 
                 categories = list('Finfish' = c(914179, #  Infraphylum Gnathostomata
                                                -914181), # Tetrapoda; - = do NOT include
                                   "Shellfish" = c(82696, # Phylum  Arthropoda
                                                   69458)), # Phylum    Mollusca
                 uncategorized_name = "uncategorized")


# Remove anything that wasn't classified (we don't them for what we are doing here)
if (sum(tsn_id$category %in% c("Other", "Uncategorized"))>0) {
  tsn_id<-tsn_id[!(tsn_id$category %in% c("Other", "Uncategorized")), 
                 c("TSN", "category")]

# renaming columns for joining other datasets to this dataset
                 TSN = Tsn)


# Join the FOSS landings data to their respctive categories
landings_data<-dplyr::left_join(x = landings_data, 
                    y = tsn_id, 
                    by = "TSN")

# Rename columns so they match what the funciton uses
                 Tsn = TSN)

knitr::kable(head(landings_data), booktabs = T) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
Year Pounds Dollars Tsn State Region abbvreg category valid rank sciname
2001 613 750 83677 Oregon Pacific Pac Shellfish valid subphylum Crustacea
2003 172 119 83677 Oregon Pacific Pac Shellfish valid subphylum Crustacea
2006 131 131 83677 North Carolina South Atlantic SA Shellfish valid subphylum Crustacea
2005 15 30 83677 Maryland Mid-Atlantic MA Shellfish valid subphylum Crustacea
2004 3 2 83677 New Jersey Mid-Atlantic MA Shellfish valid subphylum Crustacea
2006 37 28 83677 New Jersey Mid-Atlantic MA Shellfish valid subphylum Crustacea

5. Run Analysis

out <- OutputAnalysis(landings_data = landings_data, 
               category0 = category0, # the name of the column you are categorizing by
               baseyr = baseyr, 
               titleadd = titleadd, 
               dir_analyses = dir_analyses, 
               skipplots = TRUE, 
               reg_order = reg_order, # The region(s) you want to assess
               reg_order_abbrv = reg_order_abbrv, # The region(s) you want to assess
               save_outputs_to_file = TF) # Here I use the variable TF so I can change it once at the begining of my code, depending on my reporting purposes
#> [1] "National"
#> [1] "North Pacific"
#> [1] "Pacific"
#> [1] "Western Pacific (Hawai`i)"
#> [1] "New England"
#> [1] "Mid-Atlantic"
#> [1] "South Atlantic"
#> [1] "Gulf of Mexico"
#> [1] "Create spreadsheets"
#> [1] "Create plots"

#> [1] "warnings_list"    "editeddata_list"  "index_list"       "spp_list"        
#> [5] "figures_list"     "gridfigures_list"

for (jjj in 1:length(out)) {
  assign(names(out)[jjj], out[[jjj]])

6. Create FEUS Tables

Table 5. Regional Törnqvist Price Index, 1996-2018 (2015 = 1)

result <- lapply(index_list, "[", , c("Year", "cat", "PI_CB"))

for (i in 1:length(result)) {
  a<, result[i][[1]]$PI_CB)
names(a)<-c("Year", "cat", names(result))
a <- a[a$Year %in% minyr.ProdOut:maxyr & 
         a$cat %in% "Total", ]



a[,reg_order]<-round(x = a[,reg_order], digits = 2)

temp_print <- a

if (TF) {
  write_csv(x = ProdOutputPI_Raw, file = paste0(dir_analyses, "/ProdOutputPI_Raw.csv"))

if (TF) {
  write_csv(x = ProdOutputPI_Print, file = paste0(dir_analyses, "/ProdOutputPI_Print.csv"))

knitr::kable(ProdOutputPI_Print, booktabs = T) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
Year National North Pacific Pacific Western Pacific (Hawai`i) New England Mid-Atlantic South Atlantic Gulf of Mexico
73 1999 0.61 0.60 0.48 0.78 0.61 0.52 0.60 0.80
74 2000 0.64 0.64 0.49 0.85 0.61 0.54 0.68 0.93
75 2001 0.59 0.58 0.46 0.84 0.56 0.49 0.65 0.84
76 2002 0.55 0.53 0.44 0.75 0.56 0.50 0.60 0.70
77 2003 0.58 0.59 0.46 0.81 0.59 0.51 0.59 0.65
78 2004 0.63 0.70 0.50 0.82 0.62 0.52 0.60 0.66
79 2005 0.71 0.74 0.53 0.88 0.75 0.67 0.64 0.73
80 2006 0.78 0.83 0.56 0.90 0.90 0.66 0.66 0.65
81 2007 0.80 0.91 0.65 0.89 0.77 0.65 0.73 0.76
82 2008 0.92 1.14 0.72 0.95 0.73 0.69 0.74 0.86
83 2009 0.77 0.89 0.66 0.93 0.65 0.67 0.71 0.67
84 2010 0.91 1.10 0.72 1.01 0.74 0.73 0.75 0.87
85 2011 1.04 1.28 0.89 1.08 0.82 0.78 0.79 0.96
86 2012 1.05 1.27 0.93 1.23 0.81 0.83 0.87 0.89
87 2013 1.09 1.25 0.89 1.12 0.87 0.93 0.99 1.17
88 2014 1.07 1.13 0.96 1.02 0.94 0.99 1.02 1.29
89 2015 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
90 2016 1.06 1.11 1.02 1.11 0.99 0.98 0.96 1.07
91 2017 1.03 1.07 1.06 1.05 0.93 0.96 1.02 1.00
92 2018 1.14 1.30 1.05 1.13 0.92 0.95 1.06 1.07

Table 6. Regional Real Landing Törnqvist Values, 1996-2018 (2015 $ Million)

result <- lapply(index_list, "[", , c("Year", "cat", "Q_CB"))

for (i in 1:length(result)) {
  a<, result[i][[1]]$Q_CB)
names(a)<-c("Year", "cat", names(result))
a <- a[a$Year %in% minyr.ProdOut:maxyr & 
         a$cat %in% "Total", ]



a[,reg_order]<-round(x = a[,reg_order]/1e6, digits = 2)
for (i in 2:length(reg_order)){
  a[,i]<-prettyNum(x = a[,i], big.mark = ",")
temp_print <- a

if (TF) {
  write_csv(x = ProdOutputQ_Raw, file = paste0(dir_analyses, "/ProdOutputQ_Raw.csv"))

if (TF) {
  write_csv(x = ProdOutputQ_Print, file = paste0(dir_analyses, "/ProdOutputQ_Print.csv"))

knitr::kable(ProdOutputQ_Print, booktabs = T) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
Year National North Pacific Pacific Western Pacific (Hawai`i) New England Mid-Atlantic South Atlantic Gulf of Mexico
73 1999 7,920.3 3,228.05 990.07 163.64 1,378.69 874.8 324.18 976.78
74 2000 7,646.33 2,782.45 1,026.45 160.52 1,457.82 824.14 306.28 1043.73
75 2001 7,431.76 2,773.08 995.32 128.64 1,501.57 894.85 261.7 917.57
76 2002 7,577.2 2,802.56 1,017.12 138.47 1,583.35 846.6 291.4 901.86
77 2003 7,855.5 3,036.34 1,151.43 128.96 1,495.69 867.64 268.44 944.38
78 2004 8,010.2 3,211.39 963 140.02 1,637.54 952.68 270.54 852.76
79 2005 7,610.39 3,247.5 853.99 160.41 1,553.48 832.96 213.3 730.95
80 2006 7,546.23 3,098.61 888.8 147.48 1,609.26 723.91 217.29 908.79
81 2007 7,179.73 3,096.09 757.33 170.47 1,378.79 765.41 208.06 801.31
82 2008 6,719.2 2,850.35 698.06 177.98 1,335.29 741.02 213.52 701.50
83 2009 6,888.27 2,702.96 821.71 152.68 1,438.39 771.44 205.69 860.95
84 2010 6,882.24 2,771.47 863.92 166.43 1,516.27 825.3 207.88 616.86
85 2011 7,313.31 2,913.12 899.51 168.78 1,570.42 855.83 190.6 782.44
86 2012 7,155.96 2,831.56 829.97 182.04 1,720.25 765.51 176.87 802.10
87 2013 7,070.72 2,999.37 1,013.22 192.13 1,524.38 586.55 155.4 728.83
88 2014 6,930.8 2,945.11 872.86 198.09 1,446.72 583.56 174.97 737.94
89 2015 6,968.71 3,206.74 629.88 206.74 1,400.7 597.16 189.02 738.47
90 2016 6,935.02 2,898.53 740.66 211.79 1,481.67 646.36 187.27 837.31
91 2017 7,188.36 3,147.49 743.27 221.26 1,531.25 612.91 180.86 807.50
92 2018 6,667.59 2,686.96 721.82 210.33 1,629.73 587.89 146.33 805.27

Table 7. National Nominal Landing Values ($ Million), Törnqvist Price Index, (2015 = 1), and Real Landing Törnqvist Values (2015 $ Million), 1996-2018

result <- lapply(index_list, "[", , c("Year", "cat", "PI_CB", "Q_CB", "v"))
a<-a[a$Year %in% minyr.ProdOut:maxyr, ]

                 PI = PI_CB, 
                 Q = Q_CB, 
                 V = v)

# temp_code
a.pi<-spread(a[!(names(a) %in% c("V", "Q"))], cat, PI)
names(a.pi)[-1]<-paste0(names(a.pi)[-1], "_PI")
a.q<-spread(a[!(names(a) %in% c("PI", "V"))], cat, Q)
names(a.q)[-1]<-paste0(names(a.q)[-1], "_Q")
a.v<-spread(a[!(names(a) %in% c("PI", "Q"))], cat, V)
names(a.v)[-1]<-paste0(names(a.v)[-1], "_V")

b<-left_join(a.pi, a.q, by = c("Year"))
b<-left_join(b, a.v, by = c("Year"))

b<-b[,match(x = c("Year", 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_V", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_PI", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_Q", x = names(b), = T)]), 

b<-b[,match(x = c("Year", 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "fin", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "Shell", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "Total", x = names(b))]), 

b<-b[b$Year %in% minyr:maxyr, ]

# temp_print
b$PI<-round(x = b$PI, digits = 2)
b$Q<-prettyNum(x = round(x = b$Q/1e6), digits = 2, big.mark = ",")
b$V<-prettyNum(x = round(x = b$V/1e6), digits = 2, big.mark = ",")

b.pi<-spread(b[!(names(b) %in% c("V", "Q"))], cat, PI)
names(b.pi)[-1]<-paste0(names(b.pi)[-1], "_PI")
b.q<-spread(b[!(names(b) %in% c("PI", "V"))], cat, Q)
names(b.q)[-1]<-paste0(names(b.q)[-1], "_Q")
b.v<-spread(b[!(names(b) %in% c("PI", "Q"))], cat, V)
names(b.v)[-1]<-paste0(names(b.v)[-1], "_V")

b<-left_join(b.pi, b.q, by = c("Year"))
b<-left_join(b, b.v, by = c("Year"))

b<-b[,match(x = c("Year", 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_V", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_PI", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "_Q", x = names(b), = T)]), 

b<-b[,match(x = c("Year", 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "fin", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "Shell", x = names(b), = T)], 
                  names(b)[grep(pattern = "Total", x = names(b))]), 

b<-b[b$Year %in% minyr:maxyr, ]

if (TF) {
  write_csv(x = ProdOutputUS_Raw, file = paste0(dir_analyses, "/ProdOutputUS_Raw.csv"))

if (TF) {
  write_csv(x = ProdOutputUS_Print, file = paste0(dir_analyses, "/ProdOutputUS_Print.csv"))

knitr::kable(ProdOutputUS_Print, booktabs = T) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
Year Finfish_V Finfish_PI Finfish_Q Shellfish_V Shellfish_PI Shellfish_Q Total_V Total_PI Total_Q
1999 2,955 0.61 4,857 1,813 0.61 2,956 4,812 0.61 7,920
2000 3,004 0.64 4,697 1,876 0.66 2,848 4,922 0.64 7,646
2001 2,755 0.59 4,692 1,607 0.61 2,648 4,398 0.59 7,432
2002 2,494 0.54 4,648 1,616 0.57 2,835 4,141 0.55 7,577
2003 2,798 0.58 4,843 1,702 0.58 2,927 4,527 0.58 7,855
2004 3,262 0.66 4,931 1,773 0.59 2,980 5,067 0.63 8,010
2005 3,477 0.73 4,763 1,912 0.69 2,754 5,414 0.71 7,610
2006 3,915 0.89 4,418 1,919 0.62 3,117 5,855 0.78 7,546
2007 3,834 0.87 4,388 1,915 0.71 2,712 5,771 0.80 7,180
2008 4,218 1.05 4,027 1,932 0.73 2,645 6,172 0.92 6,719
2009 3,397 0.86 3,964 1,850 0.63 2,938 5,273 0.77 6,888
2010 4,116 1.03 4,014 2,110 0.74 2,855 6,257 0.91 6,882
2011 4,994 1.17 4,270 2,543 0.84 3,030 7,576 1.04 7,313
2012 4,911 1.20 4,079 2,554 0.82 3,104 7,508 1.05 7,156
2013 5,047 1.21 4,157 2,646 0.92 2,885 7,735 1.09 7,071
2014 4,565 1.10 4,159 2,832 1.04 2,733 7,436 1.07 6,931
2015 4,354 1.00 4,354 2,581 1.00 2,581 6,969 1.00 6,969
2016 4,525 1.10 4,124 2,819 1.01 2,785 7,382 1.06 6,935
2017 4,668 1.05 4,439 2,676 0.99 2,715 7,381 1.03 7,188
2018 4,779 1.23 3,887 2,751 0.99 2,779 7,570 1.14 6,668

7. Figures

Here are a few figures that come out of this analysis!

Some come already in convient grids…



And in single plots!

