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An informal opprotunity to come by to ask any questions you have about the course, content, or with specific questions about issues you have in your own analyses.
Core illustrations include importing data from spreadsheet type applications, importing STATA .dta files and importing SAS data files.
Lesson GitHub RepositoryNote that if line 53 does not work, write the following to replace line 53
setwd(paste0(getwd(), '/rHD-Data-Import-Export-master/')) song <- read.csv(file = paste0(getwd(), '/data/spotify-top50.csv'))
Introduction to vectors, lists, and data frames. Introduction to the dplyr package for tidy data organization
GitHub RepositoryIllustrating different types of plots with the ggplot2 package.
GitHub RepositoryAvailble in webex. Another informal opportunity to follow-up on the lessons of the day or raise other issues/topics of interest.
GitHub Repository Maching Learning GitHub Repository Choice Experiments GitHub Repository Causal InferenceIf no one has specific questions, we'll go over projects in RStudio and how to use the to manage your workflow.
Minimal Working Example (MWE) of a database query in R.
Lesson GitHub RepositoryMWE of working with .pdfs and text/character data.
GitHub RepositoryMWE of working with spatial data and making simple maps in R
GitHub RepositoryIntroduction to data import in R using APis with examples from the Pacific Fisheries Information Network, NMFS S&T Seafood Trade API, and U.S. Census Bureau API.
Lesson GitHub RepositoryPlease note that even though this is hosted on Emily's GitHub, this is actually Ben's code.
Availble in webex. This is a chance to follow-up with Rob and Ben on their API talks.
Another informal opportunity to follow-up on the lessons of the day or raise other issues/topics of interest.
Google HangoutUS -- +1 617-675-4444<U+202C>
PIN -- <U+202A>907 674 490 3762<U+202C>#
If no one has specific questions, we'll go over projects in RStudio and how to use the to manage your workflow.
Learn about how to write and prepare a script by 1. conforming to a predictable script structure, 2. annotation, 3. never repeating code, 4. naming files with predictable and helpful names, 5. predictable folder structure, 6. scripts with specific tasks, 7. saving scripts in an “R Project.”
Lesson GitHub Repository BestScriptingPracticesHTML for Conceptual Model:
Example 1 Example 2 GitHub Repository for Conceptual ModelLearn how functional programming helps reduce redundancy and duplication in code, and how to use R packages to share/document your code and projects with others!
Lesson GitHub repository example bioeconomic modelAvailble in webex. Some advice and discussion on building R discussion groups that last.