This lesson offers some more really short examples of importing data from STATA, SAS, and other formats into an R workspace.

Packages and Libraries

In the past I have used an R package called foreign to import STATA-brand .dta files into R. I recently discovered a packages called haven from the tidyverse that has methods for importing SAS and STATA data files.

## here() starts at /Users/aaronmamula/Documents/R-Course-NOAA-HD-2020/rHD-skill-1-Data-Import

STATA files

For this example I pulled this STATA .dta file from the UCLA Statistical Consulting website. I don't know much about it which is ok because it's only purpose here is to illustrate that STATA .dta files can be read into R using read_dta() from the haven package.

stata.example <- read_dta(here("data/stata-example.dta"))
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##       y     s     a     b
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     7     1     1     1
## 2    14     1     2     2
## 3    12     1     3     3
## 4     3     2     1     1
## 5     5     2     3     2
## 6    11     2     2     3

SAS files

For this portion I have pulled a SAS data file from the Principles of Econometrics website.

cocaine <- read_sas(here("data/cocaine.sas7bdat"))
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1  57.5 1000     62.5     1
## 2  77.2  454.    62.5     1
## 3  77.6   28.4   19       1
## 4  84.7   14.2   19       1
## 5  77.6    7.09  19       1
## 6  91.7    3.54  19       1