Name nth item in order (001)

numbers0(x, number_places = NA)



a single or vector of integer values that need to be converted from something like 1 to "001"


default = NA. If equal to NA, the function will take use the longest length of a value provided in x (example 1). If equal to a number, it will make sure that every number is the same length of number_places (example 2) or larger (if a value of x has more places than number_places(example 3)).


A string of the values in x preceeded by "0"s


# example 1
numbers0(x = c(1,11,111))
#> [1] "001" "011" "111"
# example 2
numbers0(x = c(1,11,111), number_places = 4)
#> [1] "0001" "0011" "0111"
# example 3
numbers0(x = c(1,11,111), number_places = 2)
#> [1] "01"  "11"  "111"