Add footnotes within your tables in a smart way

  footnote = NULL,
  from_col = "",
  to_col = "",
  from_row = "",
  to_row = "",
  delim = ",,,"



The data.frame you are adding footnotes to (and possibly from).


A string that you want to add as a footnote to the table. Optional.


What column number or name you want to pull footnotes from.


What column number or name you want add footnotes to.


What row number or name you want to pull footnotes from.


What row number or name you want add footnotes to.


A deliminator string that seperates if you have multiple footnotes stored in a cell. The deliminator can be anything, as long as it does not conflict with anything that can be interpreted by regex. Default = "&&&"


The table "tab" with the footnotes inserted into the table.


table<-data.frame(col = LETTERS[1:10],
                      x = rnorm(n = 10),
                      y = rnorm(n = 10),
                      footnotes = NA)
table$footnotes[3]<-"Example footnote in a table 1."
table$footnotes[4]<-"Example footnote in a table 2.&&&Example footnote in a table 3."
table[,c("x", "y")] <- NMFSReports::mod_number(table[,c("x", "y")],
                                                     divideby = 1, #'
                                                     comma_seperator = TRUE,
                                                     digits = 2)
# Here, add footnotes from the "footnotes" column to the content in the first column where necessary
table <- add_table_footnotes(tab = table,
                                   from_col = "footnotes", # either use the name of the column
                                   to_col = 1) # or the number of that column in that table
# Here, add a specific footnote to a specific place in the table
table <- add_table_footnotes(tab = table,
                                   footnote = "Example footnote in a table 4.",
                                   to_row = 2,
                                   to_col = 2)
table <- add_table_footnotes(tab = table,
                                   footnote = c("Example footnote in a table 5.",
                                                "Example footnote in a table 6."),
                                   to_row = 4,
                                   to_col = 2)
#> |col                                                                 |x                                      |y     |footnotes                                                       |
#> |:-------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------------|:-----|:---------------------------------------------------------------|
#> |A                                                                   |1.36                                   |-2.21 |NA                                                              |
#> |B                                                                   |0.10^[Example footnote in a table 4.]  |0.49  |NA                                                              |
#> |C^[Example footnote in a table 1.]                                  |0.34                                   |-1.10 |Example footnote in a table 1.                                  |
#> |D^[Example footnote in a table 2.&&&Example footnote in a table 3.] |-0.57^[Example footnote in a table 5.] |-0.49 |Example footnote in a table 2.&&&Example footnote in a table 3. |
#> |E                                                                   |0.57                                   |1.02  |NA                                                              |
#> |F                                                                   |0.98                                   |-0.37 |NA                                                              |
#> |G                                                                   |0.80                                   |1.11  |NA                                                              |
#> |H                                                                   |-0.14                                  |0.09  |NA                                                              |
#> |I                                                                   |0.87                                   |-0.15 |NA                                                              |
#> |J                                                                   |1.05                                   |0.71  |NA                                                              |